Touchy Topic, but It needs to be discussed.

Please don't be annoyed by this topic.

All my life I have been told by the media that Brasil is a dangerous place. I read on the news of the problems with the drug trade, and how recently the country has fallen into another crack epidemic, which sucks.

I know statistically things are getting better with less street crime and significantly less murders, but I have to ask: does it feel safe?

Feeling safe and being safe are two completely different animals. I can walk down the street in Philadelphia or Washington DC and feel safe, but not actually be safe. Hell, Philadelphia has a higher homicide rate than Rio at this point!

But my question to my fellow bloggers is: Do you feel safe walking down the street in "Big City' Brasil? I know its a vague question, but if you have any expertise in the area and any stories to share I would be quite happy to hear them.

I know it's not as bad as they say, but I don't want to be naive either.

Again, fellow Brasileiros who read this blog, please take no offense to this post. It's just something I've been sort of thinking about for a while.

You can call me stupid, but even if Brasil were as violent as Baghdad, I don't think it would change my opinion on wanting to move there.


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